let's talk about stress!
i wanted to talk about how it is okay to feel stressed, it's very natural! but the thing is, too much stressed is also not okay. you can't feel stress all the time. even a cellphone or a machines also needs to recharge, they just don't run on forever, even those needs a break. so if something like a cellphone and a machines needs a break, imagine us?!-- we need to give time to ourselves to relax, recharge, to find and seek that inner peace. so i wanted to share with you some of my ways to deal with my stress, these are the things that i find very effective and helpful when i am stressed out. i find these to be relaxing, not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally.
- to create a ritual - it's not something to give us to look forward to everyday, but they give us a sense of a routine. i like to pick a time of the day where i can envision what bring me peace and happiness. i always look forward to my mornings, i love waking up and having my little rituals such as, letting my fur babies outside and let them have their little moments, i love opening my window curtains, i look forward to making myself a cup of coffee, and then carrying on with my day where i'll have my to do list or agenda, this is something that really helps me reduce my high level of stress.

- aroma therapy - have you ever tried incense? incense is not just for religious or ceremonial uses, it also serves a variety of purposes, such as aromatherapy, meditation and a lot more. there are different types of incense that you can try, the right scent can really help your psychological and physical well-being, yep! it works well for me. lighting scented candle is also one of the things that i really enjoy. another form of aromatherapy is using essential oils, you can apply it on your pulse points like your wrists and neck, and if i want to bump up the intensity i'll apply it in my forehead.

- let this go, or not - yes! you read it right. it goes like if there is something you're worried about, think to yourself "can i do something about this?" if the answers is no, then let it go. "can i do something about this?" and if the answer is yes, then do it, and then let it go. this is just a very simplified version of how we can deal with things in life. just as simple as that. i know it is a lot easier said than done but it feels so much better by addressing on what's stressing you out as supposed to putting it aside and then dwelling on it.

- taking long deep breaths - take some time to breath, let your thoughts go, focus on keeping your mind still. and also... if you have animals.. did you know that animals in nature have been known to heal people? i have 3 dogs and 2 cats and i know they can be a lot sometimes, but when i need some ultimate stress relief, cuddling with them and just paying attention to them, have fun with them, spend time with them just relaxes me, it's something very magical. it's natural.

i hope these things are useful for you guys. and if you have any recommendations on how you deal stress, please let me know, i'd love to know. :)
see you!
sai borg