tonight's dinner | spaghetti soup

hey riders,

i thought i would share what i made for tonight's dinner. we had some spaghetti noodle left overs that i thought i could use before it goes bad. i got a canned tomato sauce, threw in a cauliflower and cherry tomatoes, i also diced an onion and it ended up tasting so delicious! my husband on the other hand was unhappy with how i murdered the spaghetti and called it a "spaghetti soup," haha! oh well, he ate it anyways..

let me know what would you do if you have a spaghetti noodle left overs?

Sai Borg


Man's dying wish is to receive Christmas cards

hey guys!

i know i'm normally a happy person, but i read a sad story today. in wisconsin, there is a man dying from cancer who only has a few months left to live. he tried various treatments, including chemotherapy, but none were successful. he recently made the decision to stop chemo and has now been told he likely only has a few months left to live. because this is probably his last christmas, his family is trying to see how many christmas cards they can collect to make it memorable for the whole family, as well as to show him support. his name is Gene Weittenhiller.