happy new year, riders!
welcome back! hope that everyone is staying positive and had a great holiday celebration! this year will be better than last year so smile, laugh, be happy and stay healthy!
i have another recipe video for you, i made quick dinner ideas that both non vegetarians and vegetarians will enjoy.
i first tried loaded potatoes when my mudra made it last christmas, i thought it was super delicious, you can literally add anything you want in it, it was so good that i crave about it EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.-- so please give it a try.

gourmet ramen is also something that i like to eat on the go, not only it's super fast to make, like literally less than 10 minutes, you can also make it the way how you want it to make. my favorite is throw some eggs and some scallions and you're good to go. but other seasoning that i like to add to it too is the japanese rice seasoning called ume-boshi-chazuke ( you can find these at your closest asian store) i know it is made for rice, but there is no harm on using this seasoning to ramen. IT'S.SO.GOOD!

so good luck! if you have any questions or video request, please don't forget to leave a comment sections. you can also visit my facebook, instagram and twitter. :)
until next time! xo,s