7 Jan 2022

can't stop thinking about this bread. it's one of my favorite bread i've ever baked! go get the recipe here: https://infortheride.com/cookbook/maple-bacon-bread
also, i heard that the Philippines is going to have a lock down again.. that's too bad! i hope everyone is continuing to be cautious and get vaccinated! my brother got positive with covid-- thankfully, he is fully vaccinated and doing well and currently staying at home until he is tested negative.
--, please continue to be safe, people!
Hi sai!
Andreabudz Tue, 01/18/2022 - 17:49
I love your breads... ☺️
Thank you! Hope you'll give…
Sai-Borg Tue, 01/18/2022 - 17:59
In reply to Hi sai! by Andreabudz
Thank you! Hope you'll give it a try! ♥️