chocolate martini

looking for a perfect dessert treat? try this simple chocolate martini with a few vodka and your favorite chocolate liqueur. when using a vodka, top shelf or mid range is what i recommend, but you don't have to be so picky to enjoy this yummy treat cocktail. so enjoy!


  • 4oz vodka 
  • 4oz irish cream liqueur
  • chocolate syrup
  • shaved chocolate
  • ice


adios MoFu Cocktail

happy tuesday! 

my sister in law makes really yummy cocktails, my favorite was the chocolate martini, i always asked her to make it for me every time we go home. this time around, she made me try this drink called "adios motherf*cker" and it was super yummy. it's like you're drinking a juice (and i meant that in a good way) and it f*cked you up! haha! though, i did not wake up the next day with a hang over, so that was really nice! :)


tequila sour

now, you might think eggs in a cocktails? don't be sickened, as long as you use fresh eggs and you shake everything first before adding the ice to dilute it, it is fine and delicious!


  • 2oz tequila
  • 3/4oz lemon juice
  • 1/2 slice lime
  • 1 tsp simple syrup
  • 1 egg whites
  • ice
  • 2 drops bittermens hellfire (optional)


  1. add tequila, lemon, lime, simple syrup, bittermens and egg whites into the shaker
  2. shake at least 15 times
  3. then add the ice
  4. shake again 30 times
  5. pour into a glass
  6. garnish with lime wedge
  7. and enjoy!




tequila sour


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