pineapple tart


this recipe is super easy to make! with few and ready ingredients, you can make this goodies in no time! less work, delicious treat! good luck! :)

pineapple tart 


  • 1 store bought or homemade pie crust
  • 3/4 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/4 tsp cornstarch 
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon 
  • 2 tbsp maple syrup 
  • fresh pineapple ( cleaned, thinly sliced, about 1/4 inch thick)
  • 1 egg (for egg wash)


  1. pre heat the oven to 400F 
  2. into a bowl, combine the powdered sugar, cornstarch, cinnamon and maple syrup. mix well and set aside
  3. place the pie crust into a pie pan. press the middle leaving at least 3 inches unpressed crust around the edges
  4. place the sliced pineapple into the middle of the pie crust, you can load everything all at once or make it look pretty. up to you
  5. drizzle the sauce on top of the pineapple 
  6. fold the pie dough over the fruit and press a little, make sure the dough wont tear 
  7. brush the sides of the dough with egg wash
  8. bake to pre heated oven for 20 minutes
  9. enjoy!

pineapple tart 


pineapple jam

hi guys!

today, we are making a pineapple jam. pineapple jam is easy to make, and doesn't require a lot of ingredients. my husband came home with pineapple fruit, so i thought i will turn it into a jam. below are the ingredients to make a pineapple jam.


  • 1 pineapple fruit
  • 1 cup granulated sugar

pineapple fruit



  1. clean the pineapple fruit. then, cut into chunks ( make sure you removed the center core of a pineapple )
  2. throw the pineapple chunks into a food processor or blender and blend
  3. transfer the puree pineapple into a pot
  4. add the sugar and cook until it's set
  5. and enjoy!

pineapple jam


things to remember:

  • make sure you sanitize the area of your workspace and wash your hand as possible
  • keep an eye on the jam, you do not want the heat to be so hot, or too low
  • if it's runny, cook it more
  • if it's hard, then it's overcooked. you want it to be just right consistency
  • eat carefully and watch your sugar intake :P

love you bunches,


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