pineapple tart


this recipe is super easy to make! with few and ready ingredients, you can make this goodies in no time! less work, delicious treat! good luck! :)

pineapple tart 


  • 1 store bought or homemade pie crust
  • 3/4 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/4 tsp cornstarch 
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon 
  • 2 tbsp maple syrup 
  • fresh pineapple ( cleaned, thinly sliced, about 1/4 inch thick)
  • 1 egg (for egg wash)


  1. pre heat the oven to 400F 
  2. into a bowl, combine the powdered sugar, cornstarch, cinnamon and maple syrup. mix well and set aside
  3. place the pie crust into a pie pan. press the middle leaving at least 3 inches unpressed crust around the edges
  4. place the sliced pineapple into the middle of the pie crust, you can load everything all at once or make it look pretty. up to you
  5. drizzle the sauce on top of the pineapple 
  6. fold the pie dough over the fruit and press a little, make sure the dough wont tear 
  7. brush the sides of the dough with egg wash
  8. bake to pre heated oven for 20 minutes
  9. enjoy!

pineapple tart 


apple pancake


this is definitely not the apple pancake that you think it is. but if you give this recipe a try, you might end up making this everyday! how easy it is, and all the simple ingredients that you probably already have in your pantry. if you have a pancake mix and an apple, you are good to go. :)


apple pancake



  • 3 apples
  • 2 cups buttermilk pancake
  • 1 tsp cinnamon powder
  • 1 1/3 cups iced cold water


  1. pre heat the oven to 375F
  2. wash the apples, peel the skin off, cut the inside core and cut into half and inch thick size
  3. add the pancake mix into the bowl
  4. add the cinnamon powder
  5. add the iced cold water and mix. DO NOT overmixed. batter may be lumpy but that's okay (i did 20 strokes to combine the batter)
  6. add the sliced apples into the baking pan
  7. pour the batter on top of the apples 
  8. bake for 20 minutes
  9. brush the top of the pancake with butter, sprinkle with powdered sugar 
  10. serve with maple syrup and enjoy!


apple pancake


take care, riders!


coffee crumbled cake


COFFEE CRUMBLED CAKE - i was craving for something that will remind me of home today, so i decided to make this cake, it was surprisingly really good. it tastes a little like chiffon cake but in a dryer side, i didn't use egg whites or vegetable oil for this cake, so it was interesting how it tastes like a chiffon cake. please don't get disappointed about the "dryer" side of the cake because the topping is super delicious, too! now, if you are not a fan of a dry cake, then this is not for you. but i gotta say, the toppings compliments the cake. it's a great combination. i enjoyed pairing the cake with coffee, tea or even ice cream. it's super delicious!

i recommend using a bigger cake mold for this recipe, i honestly thought it will fit in my baking cake pan but as you can see, it overflowed, but that didn't took away the deliciousness of this cake. :)


for the cake:

  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 stick softened butter (1/2 cup) softened
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/4 tsp salt

for the topping:

  • 1 cup (packed) brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup flour
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 2 tsp instant coffee
  • 1 stick softened butter (1/2 cup)


  1. pre heat the oven to 350F
  2. spray the baking cake pan with a vegetable oil to prevent the cake from sticking
  3. into the mixing bowl, add the butter, sugar and combine
  4. then add the egg and mix using a hand mixer. you can also use a whisker too, it's your preference
  5. then add the milk and combine
  6. add the flour and mix. about a minute
  7. add the baking powder, vanilla extract and salt. mix all together about a minute. the batter should be thicker
  8. pour the cake batter into the prepared pan then flatten the top to even out. set aside
  9. for the topping, combine the brown sugar, flour, ground cinnamon, instant coffee and butter into a mixing bowl
  10. mix together until crumbly, but not over mixed
  11. place the topping mixture on top of the cake batter
  12. bake to 40 to 50 minutes or until the toothpick inserted in the middle of the cake comes out clean
  13. enjoy!

happy baking!

i will see you in my next blog post. please don't forget to follow us on all of our social media account for more recipes and food ideas. until next time, riders!




  • 1 block cream cheese
  • sponge cake
  • 1 cup whipped cream
  • 1 sachet instant coffee
  • 1/2 cup hot water
  • 1/4 cup sugar




  1. pour the instant coffee into a bowl
  2. add the hot water. stir and set aside
  3. mix the cream cheese and sugar
  4. add the whipped cream into the cream cheese mixture. mix well
  5. arrange the sponge cake into the container you are using
  6. add the cream cheese batter and repeat until you finished.

salad wraps

for someone who is super busy and don't have much time to prepare lunch? this salad wrap is perfect for you! below are the ingredients: :)


  • tortillas
  • hummus (you can add as much as you like)
  • lettuce (chopped)
  • carrots (grind)
  • celery (chopped)
  • onion (chopped)
  • balsamic vinegar (a teaspoon)


salad wraps



  1. prepare the tortillas
  2. spread the hummus in the middle of the tortillas
  3. add the lettuce, carrots, celery, onion and balsamic vinegar
  4. fold like a burrito wrap
  5. and you're done!

hope this helps for you guys! easy and fast yet delicious! until next time!


sai borg

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